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15 Potassium Superfoods That Aren't Bananas

Winter citrus for the win.

Citrus fresh fruits
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Add these heart-healthy picks to your grocery cart to meet your daily quota for potassium, the mineral that keeps your nerves and muscles operating at tip-top shape in addition to helping lower blood pressure. This all-important nutrient is hiding in more places than you think, including vegetables, beans, seafood, and even yogurt.


The Health Benefits of Potassium

Clipboard with stethoscope and pen
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Eating more potassium is essential not only for heart health, but for the skeletal and muscle systems as well. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) is 4,700 milligrams for both men and women. But contrary to popular assumption, bananas don't even make the top 10 list of superfoods with the most potassium! Eat right with the following sources of potassium as listed by the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans.


Baked Potatoes

Best Foods to Lower Cholesterol - Baked Potato
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Tubers are the top source of potassium overall. One medium baked potato contains nearly 900 milligrams — about 25% of the daily recommended amount — and packs almost 5 grams of filling fiber.

RELATED: 33 Easy Potato Recipes That Are Bursting With Flavor

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Sweet Potatoes

Bowl of mashed sweet potatoes

This other root vegetable doesn't skimp on potassium either, with 694 milligrams in one sweet potato. That's about 15% of the daily recommended amount at just 131 calories, not to mention all the beta carotene and vitamin A you get in each yam.



foods to lower cholesterol
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You already know it contains those brain-boosting omega-3's, but salmon can also help your heart. A 3-ounce cooked fillet packs in 534 milligrams of potassium.

RELATED: 30+ Easy Salmon Recipes to Make for Dinner Tonight

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Leafy Greens

Top view of fresh beet leaves on the dark background
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Spinach, chard, and beet greens not only supply vitamin A and vitamin K, but they're also full of potassium — up to 655 milligrams in half a cup.



Bowl of dried cannellini beans on rustic wood surface
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Like other legumes, navy, cannellini, and garbanzo beans are a great source of protein and fiber. Half a cup of white beans has about 595 milligrams of potassium. Beans also count as a top source of iron.

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Acorn Squash

Roasted Acorn Squash Salad with Spicy Pepitas and Cranberries
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Yep, acorn squash still beats out your average banana in terms of potassium content. A half cup has about 448 milligrams, and you can use it in hearty salads, soups, or sides.

RELATED: 19 Delicious Acorn Squash Recipes


Unsweetened Greek Yogurt

greek yogurt in a white bowl on a white wooden table

Your weekday breakfast may be your number one source for calcium, but did you know it’s also high in potassium too? Eight ounces of plain non-fat yogurt has 579 milligrams.

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Not only are fish and shellfish rich in potassium, but they're the number one source of both iron and vitamin B12. Three ounces of clams have 534 milligrams of potassium and 126 calories.

RELATED: 30+ Healthy Seafood Recipes to Make Tonight



Soy beans in bowls
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Besides the potassium benefits, eating soybeans can also help lower your risk of certain cancers and protect your heart when you eat it in place of meat. Try tempeh, tofu, and miso when you want to switch it up.

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Citrus Fruits

Fresh ripe citruses. Lemons, limes and oranges
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Oranges, lemons, and grapefruit are well-known for their antioxidants — but they also contain potassium, making them a great addition to whatever you’re drinking. Flavoring your water with citrus fruit provides a little boost to your hydration game, since you need both electrolytes (like potassium!) and H2O to rehydrate efficiently.



An overhead bowl of dates on a rough wooden background
Anthia Cumming//Getty Images

This Middle Eastern fruit will also help you load up on potassium. Half a cup of dates has about 480 milligrams of the nutrient, or 14% of your recommended daily amount.

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Tomato soup with leek garnish
Line Klein//Getty Images

A half cup of tomato puree has almost half your daily allowance of vitamin C, 549 milligrams of potassium, and a dose of the disease-fighting nutrient lycopene.

RELATED: 29 Best Tomato Recipes to Try ASAP


Pomegranate Seeds

Close-Up Of Pomegranate Seeds
Vesna Jovanovic / EyeEm//Getty Images

These tiny treats are as delicious as they are nutritious — one cup packs up to 7 grams of filling fiber and 10% of the potassium you need per day. Use them in savory recipes or salads for a hint of sweetness.

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Homemade pumpkin puree
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You might not think to cook with your favorite fall décor, but pumpkin doubles as a nutrient powerhouse. Besides potassium, a single cup of canned pumpkin provides a full day's worth of vitamin A and about 7 grams of fiber, helping stabilize your blood sugar and keep energy levels up throughout the day.



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A 1/4 cup of dried apricots fuels you with about 378 milligrams of potassium, and biting into a fresh one will only set you back 17 calories apiece.

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